The goat, the chick, and the dog

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Teaching children about assertiveness and assertive communication. Assertiveness is key for raising strong and confident kids. Assertive children know how to stand up for themselves (and others) without being hurtful or mean. They also know, how to say “no,” communicate clearly, and maintain positive relationships that meet their own needs as well as those of others. Therefore, assertiveness is also a very important skill for bullying prevention.
Few of us are born assertive, and the fear of seeming rude or selfish can prevent us from advocating for ourselves. Fortunately, with practice, we can help kids master this powerful ability, and gain the many benefits associated with assertive communication.

Download The goat, the chick, and the dog

  • 8-10+ years old
Game type
Game type
  • Life Action Role Play
Time to play
Time to play
  • >30min
Complexity for the teacher
Complexity for the teacher
  • 2
Complexity for the student
Complexity for the student
  • 3
Complexity for the student
Game type
Time to play
Complexity for the teacher